Graduate student in Computer Science (Data Science & Machine Learning) at University of Regina. Research Assistant at Data Science Lab, University of Regina. Skilled in C++, Python, C#, Java programming languages and Good knowledge in Database Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems and more Computer Science concepts with 1.5 years of industry experience. Has an exponential learning rate in the field of Machine Learning and Data Science from 2019. Currently working on privacy preserved Machine Learning(Federated Learning).
Working as intern for the Mitacs project funded by Lung Association of Saskatchewan and community members of Île-à-la-Crosse on developing applications for the data analytics related to public health in their community.
Part of backend support team who deals with deploying the code to production, maintaining the servers and solving the infrastructural issues.
Activities: Research Assistant at Data Science Laboratory. Research in Privacy Preserved Machine Learning. Course work includes Machine Learning, Data Science Fundamentals, Data visualization.
Awards and scholarship: Awarded scholarship for all 4 years. Listed in top 1% of the students.
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